Summer and special places...
Any one who knows me knows how much I love Harris and especially the great, beautiful beaches around Losgaintir or Luskentyre. I have recently been looking at posts on Facebook showing so many beautiful pictures of this magical place - fellow travellers sharing their special moments. Me, well I paint my pictures in words (as well as other media), so in celebration of the start of brighter days and this place I decided it was only right to share one of my word pictures too! Its not a new one but one of my favourites:
I want to be still here
To pretend
For a time
I need never leave
To watch the light shift
Painting magic inside and out
To follow the tides
In an endless dance with the sand
And watch the wind
As it gently crafts the sky
For is it really a lie?
My heart knows this place
More intimately than any other
And while this life has made me visitor
A world weary traveller
Abiding only for a time
There are other lives
Buried deep in time and memory
There must be
For I know this place
As home